

Union State


P.Borodin’s Project is Hope for Future

There is no doubt that an effective way to solve population problems, consisting in incessant outflow of skilled specialists and in overcoming regrettable demographic figures, is to improve standard of living and to create new jobs in the country.

There is no doubt that an effective way to solve population problems, consisting in incessant outflow of skilled specialists and in overcoming regrettable demographic figures, is to improve standard of living and to create new jobs in the country.

At present this path is confidently followed by the Union State member-countries which work out social programmes, increase economic indexes and project themselves.

In a situation like this the megaproject of Pavel Borodin, State Secretary of the Union State, aimed at creation of intercontinental transport corridor that would join Europe and Asia, seems not that fabulous. Indeed, the prospects are unique: 1.5-2 million jobs in Belarus, 17-20 million jobs in Russia, 7-8 million jobs in the EU and 15-20 million jobs in the Far East. And taking into account the fact that at present Russia whose land is a sheer island of treasures faces a daunting demographic problem, the inflow of new forces to the country – not guest workers but permanent residents – is like a breath of fresh air. As the analytic report of the USA National Intelligence Council “World Future Outline: Report on “Project – 2020” says, “Russian mineral resources will remain the competition field for world oil companies and the centre of attention of industrial states. Mineral resources struggle will be one of the critical factors determining world history at the beginning of the century. With only 3% of the world’s population, Russian possesses 40% of the Earth’s mineral resources. Such ratio constitutes a menace for Russia in the XXI century as far as fight for resources will aggravate”.

In the interview with utro.ru N.Narochinskaya, President of the Historical Outlook Fund, Doctor of History, stated that for Russia, with its climate and length, resources compensate noncompetitive economy. However, according to N.Narochinskaya, it is impossible to improve demographic situation in Russia quickly. “It is a very inertial phenomenon. Yet, till 2010-2012 we do have a possibility to reverse the situation. If the population of Russia is less than 100 million people, this will be an irretrievable point”.