
Milestones in History


Belarusians in Siberia

Belarus and Siberia. It would seem that these regions are located geographically so far away from each other that it would be difficult to find a definite link between them. However, this link exists. Namely, the fact that, since the times of Ivan the Terrible, the crowd of immigrants from Belarus has contributed to the century-on-century growth in the power of Russia to a large extent because of Siberia.

Belarus and Siberia. It would seem that these regions are located geographically so far away from each other that it would be difficult to find a definite link between them. However, this link exists. Namely, the fact that, since the times of Ivan the Terrible, the crowd of immigrants from Belarus has contributed to the century-on-century growth in the power of Russia to a large extent because of Siberia.

Photo: www.aif.by, www.mzkt.by, www.liveinternet.ru, www.commons.wikimedia.org, www.z-rus.ru, www.akzs.ru